Mars Images on your iPhone
Mark Powell of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has created an iPhone/iPad app lets you browse through the most recent images from the Mars Rover Opportunity. You can download Mars Images from the Apple App Store for free (also available for Android). I’ve been checking for new images daily for eight years now – this is going to […]
Carl Sagan Day
Today is Carl Sagan Day. Of all of his books, my favorite has to be The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, followed closely by Contact.
Honda ann0unced an all-new ASIMO robot – faster, lighter, and able to operate more autonomously than previous models (yet managing to preserve the same fascinating/creepy feel). But what I find even more interesting, buried down near the bottom of the press release, there is a mention of the U3-X, a compact one-wheel-drive mobility device. According to […]
Nest Learning Thermostat
I ordered my Nest Learning Thermostat on the day it was announced, and then started receiving email status updates with dates creeping into 2012, so I was especially happy to get an update today with a more definitive shipping date of 3 weeks from now. Can’t wait to start playing with this new toy! Of […]
Kids and Rovers
A recent comment from a reader about her 2-1/2 year old grandson’s reaction to watching a National Geographic show about the Mars Rovers and Mars Phoenix Lander (and his creative suggestion about how to save Spirit) reminded me that I’ve been meaning to write about my 4 year old friend Jack and his obsession with […]
Graph Paper PDF Files
If you ever need graph paper, you can find a wide variety of downloadable/printable graph paper in PDF format over at (you can even generate custom layouts). You’ll also find montly and yearly calendars.
Custom Printed M&M’s
A while back, I wrote about the fact that you could order customized M&M’s by selecting from 21 different colors to produce your own blend. Well, now you can add custom printing as well, with two lines of up to 8 characters each, and you can include two separate messages if you like.
ASIMO Video Clips
Honda Dreamers TV (HDTV) has some video clips of the new ASIMO, including the announcement, shaking hands, and one of ASIMO running.
Next-Generation ASIMO
Honda has announced their next-generation ASIMO humanoid robot, with posture control that allow it to run at up to 3 km/hr, improved autonomous maneuvering, and enhanced visual and force sensor technologies for smoother interaction with people (allowing it to allowing it to give or receive an object, or shaking hands). They have also update the […]
What’s up with QRIO and ASIMO?
It’s been an unusually long time since there has been anything new on either the Sony QRIO or Honda ASIMO – I wonder what they’re up to? Does anyone have any recent updates on either??
keep looking »