Banner Ad Museum
Thanks to the efforts of the folks over at the Banner Ad Museum “Punch the Monkey” the “X10” ads will be preserved for posterity!
Handwriting Fonts
Oh, it’s that site that has handwriting fonts from web designers on it
Web Page Design for Designers
I’m posting this link to Web Page Design for Designers for my future reference…
Microsoft Typography
The Microsoft Typography site actually has some decent typography and font information.
Digimarc, then CueCat
Didn’t Wired Magazine try the idiotic Digimarc MediaBridge before the tried the idiotic CueCat?
Natural History of the @ Sign
Over at Natural History of the @ Sign you’ll find that Italians call @ “chiocciola” (the snail), and in Thailand, although it’s not official, some people call it ” ‘ai tua yiukyiu” (the wiggling worm-like character). The Dutch have several names including “apeklootje” (little monkey’s testicle).
LEGO Bulk Ordering
Don’t you just hate it when you run out of a critical piece while building something? Well, just head over to LEGO Bulk Ordering!
Priceless Mail
While cleaning my office, I ran across the best piece of mail I have ever received. The brochure for How to Legally Fire Employees with Attitude Problems is priceless!! I just wish I had attended to received the course materials and certificate. Second place goes to the completely shredded letter that the Post Office delivered […]
More Bandwidth Test Pages
While I’m at it, here are two more bandwidth test pages at Computing Central and CNET. If you have a cable modem or DSL you really need to take a look at
Bandwidth Test
Here’s a bandwidth test that checks up download and upload speed, as well as allowing you to search for other people’s results from your zip code for comparison.
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