Editable Web Pages

Here’s an intriguing bit of JavaScripting that enables you to edit a web page in place. Only works with IE5+, and only under Windows. If you’re using IE 5.5 another option is use editable regions.


Has anyone tried iPING? It’s a service that let you schedule notification phone calls (reminders, wakeup calls, etc.) via the web. You can even have it track your FedEx package, and call you when it’s delivered.

Mac Simulator

Don’t have a Macintosh? Try this Mac simulator.

Collect Them All

Mathematician Trading Cards – collect them all!


Vischeck will simulate how your web page will look to some with a deficit (color blindness, glaucoma or macular degeneration, etc.).

Laundry Symbols

I could have actually used this guide to common home laundering & drycleaning symbols a couple of weeks ago when my visiting father-in-law was trying to determine how to clean his jacket that was made in Japan (and had washing instructions in Japanese).

Traffic Cone Preservation Society

The Traffic Cone Preservation Society has valuable data on the history and evolution of the traffic cone, as well as adoption information.

DHTML clock

A great DHTML clock – more code to disect…

Hollow Planets

I had a teacher in high school who talked about the hollow planets theory (along with a lot of other stuff I find disturbing to consider he might have actually believed!). I’m personally unconvinced that the Earth, Venus and Mars are hollow, and that there’s a small star inside the Earth.

Custom M&M’s

Did you know that you can order M&M’s in custom colors? They have 21 different colors (mix and match ’em anyway you want) – but you have to order in 40-pound batches…

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