Spacecraft Films

Spacecraft Films has a growing catalog of DVDs containing all of the television transmissions and onboard 16mm films from Apollo 8, 11, 14 and 15. They also have disks covering the space shuttle Columbia Hubble servicing mission, and the Saturn I, IB and V. Future releases include Apollo 16, 17, Project Mercury, Gemini, and several […]

More Satellite Imagery

Since a lot of people seem to end up here searching for information on SpaceImaging and their photos from the IKONOS satellite, I thought I’d also point out DigitalGlobe whose QuickBird satellite also captures some fantastic images. Check out their gallery and image archive.

Cringley’s Predictions for 2003

Bob Cringely has made his predictions for 2003, and scores his predictions for 2002 (again, 70%).

LEGO NBA All-Stars

For all you LEGO lovers who also happen to be basketball fans, LEGO NBA Basketball. They also have something for you football fans (as defined by the rest of the world, soccer for the Americans).

Airline Meals has photos of 1563 meals from 192 airlines.

The Connection Machine

I’ve always been interested in novel computer designs, and the Connection Machine CM-1 and CM-2 were among the most interesting from the 1980’s, and their designer Danny Hillis is just as interesting (look at how many times Wired has written about him).

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