Hollow Planets

I had a teacher in high school who talked about the hollow planets theory (along with a lot of other stuff I find disturbing to consider he might have actually believed!). I’m personally unconvinced that the Earth, Venus and Mars are hollow, and that there’s a small star inside the Earth.

Posted on October 10, 2000
Filed Under Uncategorized | 1 Comment


One Response to “Hollow Planets”

  1. son lee on November 18th, 2003 12:51 pm

    the military now has the power to control the weather,and to cause earthquakes,and to cause volcanoes.our surface world will be destroyed sometime between now and 2012.the trigger will be yellow stone national park.this will cause a type of nuclear worldwide winter .underwater volcanoes will cause the oceans to heat up with methane sea gases.most life on the surface will be destroyed.we will enter a new ice age that will last 88,000 years.see haarp,em weapons, chemtrails,and miltary control of the weather.thanks…

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