LEGO Robotics Inventions System 2.0

Check out the new LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Inventions System 2.0. Now, if I can just convince Michele that we NEED to buy a set for “research” purposes, or talk Jeff into letting me borrow his…

Posted on September 3, 2001
Filed Under Uncategorized | 3 Comments


3 Responses to “LEGO Robotics Inventions System 2.0”

  1. john on February 26th, 2003 9:04 am

    Iam inquiring about lego robotic invention systems and my question is do you have any information or could you provide a link that would help me see the nessecary steps it takes to create and program. Thank You.

  2. john on February 26th, 2003 9:06 am

    Or maybe you can direct me to a creating encyclopedia for the lego robotics invention systems. Thank you.

  3. Craig on February 27th, 2003 3:48 pm

    Take a look at this list of LEGO Mindstorms Bookmarks, the Software Internals section has links to lots of programming information. There are also a couple of books available: Core LEGO MINDSTORMS Programming: Unleash the Power of the Java Platform by Brian Bagnall seems to be the most highly recommended, and there’s also Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java by Laverde, Ferrai and Stuber.

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