Location Earth Dog Tags

In case of alien abduction these dog tags may save your life. The crucial data an alien will need to get you back to Earth is die stamped into these dog tags – just $12.99!! Engraved with several methods of locating Earth
in the Galaxy, an alien pilot does not need to
understand any human language to use this

Posted on January 10, 2003
Filed Under Uncategorized | 1 Comment


One Response to “Location Earth Dog Tags”

  1. mivox on April 1st, 2005 11:55 am

    FWIW Location Earth dog tags actually appear to be a knock-off product of the original Galactitags (http://www.galactitags.com/galactitags-spacetags.htm).

    Galactitags were created in the mid 1980’s, while the earthbounddog site shows a “copywrite” (sic) date of 2002.

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